AI and God
March 9, 2017
History books never show such progress in Artificial Intelligence (AI) as today. Greater support from big names like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft has spearheaded the progress in the field. The stronger foundation was laid by Alan Turing in 1950 with his thesis famously known as “Turing Test”. And even the great man predicted 2000s would be year of AI. But due to failure in technological advancements and fear over ungoverned AI led to winters for decades together leading to no growth in respective field.
Ethics has been major concern over Artificially intelligent machines. Greatest minds like Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, Elon Musk have feared over Super artificial intelligent machine. Later has even created a company named OpenAI to openly work and review the work carried in development of AI. We are strongly concerned with rules and ethics to be defined for AI machine to save our future from clutches of super intelligent machines.
God is the only being or myth that we have followed or feared and lived by through ages. Some of us abide while others question his existence, but still is part of our everyday life either in form myth or super being. We still make decisions assuming someone (God) is keeping track of our rights and wrongs. And one always tries do rights. We still are god fearing people (most of us) i.e we live by his code of conduct. We still consider him to be superior and fear in committing any wrongs.
Then why not bring/introduce the idea of God in AI, where rules are defined in a way holy books are to us. Making the idea of God as superior to an advanced AI can remove the evil thoughts. As there is good and bad likewise God and Devil. But likewise we are thought that God always wins over Devil/ Satan, we can train the AI same way to understand God and teaching it do good deeds to humanity. Like we question his existence, an advanced AI might also question the same and start exploring for him. And it’s exploration might lead us to many more discoveries and wonders that we failed to see or find. The famous laws of robotics defined by Issac Asimov might be violated or modified accrodingly by an advanced AI but not when it stays in fear of some superior being like God, like we stay in our limits when have superior in form of God.
These are my thoughts over ethics for Artificial Intelligent machine, it might raise many questions in comparison of our lives in this modern world. I am open for comments and explanations for failure in this approach.