God and Man
August 8, 2016
Existence of him has long been a question to us from the beginning of our consciousness. Scientists are finding him by unwrapping the truths to our existence by understanding the beginning of us and our universes’ (contrary to multiple universes) existence. Religionists find him in holy books and places they preached and constructed for. And some abide by his rules while some disregard him as their creator. Just the question of his existence has led many kind of wars and people around the world, atheist v/s theists, one god v/s many god believers, scientists v/s religionists, people who fear to those who love. Throughout the history of mankind, we have searched and found relief in the belief of his existence. We the mankind have created him and his religions, whereas many go against this notion of their creator. Some believe in the prophecies and teachings of their religion, while some question the same teachings.
From the knowledge of many theologists and religionists, we have come to know him as supremo of all beings. We are known to draw inspiration from our role models who are mere mortals like you and everyone else. Some see him as allah, some others pray him as jesus, others see him in many other forms. People have prayed and sought blessings from him of which one is to clear all their sins. From the beginning of man kind we have feared him in all means while some have believed in loving him instead of being feared. We have never learnt to draw inspiration from him like we do with our role models instead of fearing and praying. We fail to do so because he/she is considered supreme to us i.e God. Many movies and books have portrayed him as strong force and one to be feared if not lived by his rules.
We all have heard stories of our gods’ from our parents and holy books. We are told of his great encounters with his enemies and saving our mankind from clutches of destruction by demons/devils/satans. We all are admired and impressed by such stories but never quite inspired by his heroic acts. As I come from family where God is considered as ultimate and above all, we are used to poly-god theory. We have prayed and performed many rituals to many of deities in our religion but many of us have failed to draw inspiration from one of these deities. Is it wrong to draw inspiration from our gods? If not why do we draw some from role models who are not gods? From all the gods I have prayed and sought blessings from are unique in their abilities like patience, timing sense, intelligence into situations, centered and concentrated in chaos and confusion and many more. But all we do and did is just pray blindly and fail to learn from the gods we pray daily. Instead of seeking for blessings and guidance during hard times one can draw inspiration and live accordingly to solve and move out from one’s hard time. I believe god and his religion are there/created just to be considered as supreme being to seek from but learn to be guide and light to your path and problems. I wish seeking inspiration from one’s god is understanding and improving oneself.
This is my own view of perceiving things, it is not to be contradicted with.