The advent of the technology
May 1, 2015
The people now-a-days are quite well used and tuned to the technology. It has helped us getting solutions for the problems and at the same time making new problems to us. Now you may be thinking about the boon and bane of the Technology with and to our life.
The Technology has grown and become so part of our life, we can’t survive without it in our life, whereas vice versa is unimaginable. The greatest boon with advent of the technology is it’s ability to make things simpler to human beings. But the same technology has made and is making us to keep distance from our mother nature. The same nature which made our days of childhood fun and filled it with life has become a distant person to us. The great visionaries think of the future of our mother earth, which they feel should be given most importance than any other thing on the earth. On the other side ,we pay least importance to our mother earth and are completely engrossed into so called technology. It’s like two sides of a coin, one face which matter to us and other face which we must matter to care.
When was the last time you have been in the rain, that mother earth showers with love on us? How many times did you think of the mother earth to save it from suffering we have given?
I hope these questions do matter now to you else not anytime. The technology has made our life easy to a extent which is making life of our mother nature tougher to same extent. We are planning and in search of new Earth-like planets, so that we can build new civilization on it. With these great ideas we are forgetting our mother Earth which supported us for generations. I hope it’s not late to act to save our mother Earth from us. It’s time we pay back to our mother, Let’s save it from dieing.
I am not here to conclude that technology is the bigggest problem for human race or life. But not to neglect our mother in use of it. I wish that everyone use the technology so that it dawns new changes in our lives but not bring dusk on our mother Earth.
Inaction to a cause is being against the cause of it. So make action in your lives for betterment of our Earth and our life.