

November 18, 2016

Are they given or taken? God gifted the nature or nature gifted us the beauty of his notion? We gift or we gifted? Gifts to be happy or make happy? Is it everyones’ or someone’s? Is it worth keeping or sharing? Are we gifts to our parents or they are gift to us? Is any gift worth it to one’s self to gift? We are gifted and hope to be one. ...

Benjamin Franklin's virtue

May 1, 2015
habit, life

Every successful person has is own traits to be successful in life. There are many success stories of them in either of there biographies or autobiographies. The one person i really admire is Benjamin Franklin. It is unfortunate that most of us know him for one reason(mainly) , he was the first person to demonstrate in generating electricity from lightening . But he was and is way more than our assumption. ...

The advent of the technology

May 1, 2015
tech, life

The people now-a-days are quite well used and tuned to the technology. It has helped us getting solutions for the problems and at the same time making new problems to us. Now you may be thinking about the boon and bane of the Technology with and to our life. The Technology has grown and become so part of our life, we can’t survive without it in our life, whereas vice versa is unimaginable. ...

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